Closed Loop Granulation System

Exenity offers a one-stop solution for your complete granulation needs, right from sifting to blending. We offer manufacturing, installation commissioning, service, and process support for Integrated granulation solutions.

Key features of Exenity Close loop integrated granulation suites 

Close loop Granulation line 

Given GMP requirements, there is increasing demand for complete close loop dust-free processing of powders. Closed loop manufacturing offers unique advantages like increased yield, better process controls, and contained operations apart from better validation of processes. With continuously evolving pharmaceuticals and neutraceutical manufacturing processes the equipment supplier must meet the pace of changing environment by offering innovative solutions.

Truly contained 12 Bar pressure shock-resistant design

With more focus on environment protection and safe operation, manufacturers are inclined to 12-bar pressure shock designs. Our truly contained 12 Bar pressure shock resistant designs are certified by the worlds leading agencies making sure that we meet the customers’ expectations as well as offer a unique operational experience.

2 Bar Close loop Granulation line

Though there is an increasing requirement for 12 Bar pressure shock machines, manufacturers have to go for 2 Bar pressure shock designs to meet the budgets and offer affordable medication. Exenity made sure to offer the best technology and value for money in this segment

Containment Granulation Line

While processing material where exposure of material should be limited or completely avoided with the surrounding environment or operator, containment solutions are absolutely necessary. Based on the nature of the product, the level of containment can be decided. Ideally, for such application, only 12 bar pressure shock resistant granulation lines have to be selected along with due care while loading and unloading material along with other precautions.

Exenity can offer granulation lines for R&D, the pilot as well as production requirements

R&D and Pilot requirements can be met with our granulation lines with working volumes of 0.7 L to 50 L

Production requirements from 100 L to 2000L can be catered to.

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